Program Requirements

Students in the EVSS Program must complete 38 credit hours and either a thesis or internship. Core classes serve to offer students a background in environmental science and policy; course topics include environmental studies, statistics, policy & social science, and natural science. Elective classes cover a wide range of topics that align with student's specific program of study. The Graduate Catalog includes information on all core and elective classes. 

The 38 required credit hours can be broken down as follows:

  • Core classes: 18 credit hours
  • Elective classes: 14 credit hours
  • Thesis / Academic Internship: 6 credit hours

The EVSS Program’s coursework is designed to be completed within two years. However, students may require extra time in order to complete their research for their Academic Internship or Thesis projects. In general, students take two to three years to complete their requirements. In most cases, the first semester is dedicated to designing one’s Program of Study and choosing between either an Academic Internship or Thesis, in addition to completing course work. The second semester and following consist of submitting proposals and presenting the work done as it corresponds to either Thesis or Academic Internship in conjunction with finishing classes. All EVSS students must fulfill the program requirements within five years of matriculating. The EVSS Steering Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School will consider petitions for extensions in extenuating circumstances